Beat Licenses

$30 - Basic MP3 License : MP3 file included. 2,000 distribution copies, 10,000 audio streams, 1 music video, unlimited non-for-profit usage, unlimited free downloads, 1 radio station

$40 - Premium WAV License - MP3 + WAV Files included. 5,000 distribution copies, 100,000 audio streams and non-monetized video streams, 1 music video, 1 monetized video stream, unlimited non-profit use, unlimited for-profit live performances, 1 radio station

$75 - Trackout License - Track Stems, WAV + MP3 files included.  10,000 distribution copies, 100,000 audio streams and non profit video streams, 1 music video, 1 monetized video stream, 1 radio station, non-profit and profit live performances 

$150 - Unlimited License - Track Stems, WAV + MP3 files included.  Unlimited license yet still non-exclusive. Unlimited distribution, unlimited audio streams and non-profit video streams, non profit + profit live performances, unlimited free downloads, unlimited music videos, unlimited monetized video streams, unlimited radio stations.

Exclusive License - Make offer. Unlimited license and exclusive rights for the track.